A Documentary Short Film created while studying Film, TV, and Media at Walla Walla University in Production and Cinematography class.
Brothers can be there for you, but when they are not around there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
Child Birth Blues Music Video
Director of Photography for a Music Video created while studying Film, TV, and Media at Walla Walla University.
Streams of Light International Testimonial
Four days of mission event coverage for Streams of Light International traveling all over San Francisco Bay Area, California.
Streams of Light International Highlight Reel
Four days of mission event coverage for Streams of Light International traveling all over San Francisco Bay Area, California.
Digital Evangelism Promotional Video
Directed digital evangelism promotional videos for pastors in the Conference with another camera operator. Created for multiple social media platforms in different formats in postproduction.
On This Rock 2023 Climbing Event
Photo and video creation. Associated with Common Ground Bend, OR. Covered the events programs and climbing tours. Hiked multiple miles in Smith Rock State Park, OR with camera gear capturing the climbing tours. Recorded audio from the program’s speaker for video voiceover.
Leoni Meadows Camp Promotional Video
Video coverage for all events and activities at the 900-acre camp and nearby lake. Events including weekly “county fair” and rodeo video coverage and audio systems set up. Activities including horseback riding, high ropes courses, waterfront and lake video coverage.
Leoni Meadows Camp Staff Video
Video introducing staff and activities at the camp. Shown weekly to campers. Created during the first orientation week.
Health & Wellness Promotion Video
Health and wellness promotional video. Associated with Health Our Treasure – Health Hacks. Created a short video highlighting healthy habits for breakfast.
Aero-physics Educational Program Promotional Video
Associated with Monterey Bay Academy. Captured students learning aviation and fabrication skills over the course of a few months.
Leoni Meadows Camp Restoration Video
Video coverage of Monterey Bay Academy Students and Maranatha Volunteers helping in the effort for starting camp for Summer 2022 after the effects of the 2021 Caldor Fire at Leoni Meadows Camp.
Real Estate Demonstration Video
A small representation of what can be created in the realty industry.
Drone Demonstration Video
One of the first videos I edited together.